First Day Checklist
Your first day in the mountain environment will be much more fun if you are well prepared for the elements! See our Ski or Snowboard Clothing Checklist and Tips section below.
Ski or Snowboard Clothing Checklist
Read through these cold weather tips & tricks so you can make the most of your first day on the mountain!
Goggles (preferred over sunglasses)
Sunglasses (you may want these also)
Hat (80% of your body’s heat is lost through your head)
Long underwear shirt
Long underwear tights
Fleece pants as a liner (if you are extremely susceptible to cold)
Water resistant ski or snowboard pants (available at most sporting goods stores)
Long-sleeve over-shirt
Fleece pullover
Gloves or Mittens (mittens are warmer than gloves - bring more than one pair if you have them in case the first pair gets wet)
Thin wool or synthetic knee-high socks (bring a few pairs)
Winter snow boots with some traction (Sorels are common)
Lip Balm
Avoid Cotton Garments (They hold water instead of wicking it)
Ski / Snowboard Trip Tips
Be patient with yourself!
Remember, the first day of ANYTHING can be the most stressful (think high school, a new job etc.) so plan ahead, arrive early, take frequent breaks and be sure to eat and drink enough to keep your energy up! After your first day it's all downhill!
Keep a granola bar or cookie in an interior jacket pocket. Your body expends calories to keep your internal "thermostat" at a comfortable temperature, so a snack on the chairlift between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner is more than necessary.
Rule of thumb: NEVER WEAR COTTON while skiing or snowboarding. Cotton traps moisture next to your skin, allows heat to escape, and should be saved for summer. When choosing ski or snowboard clothing, look for fabrics like Capilene, Thinsulate, Goretex, Coolmax, or Polypropalene. These fabrics are specifically designed to keep heat in and moisture out. In the end, you'll be much more comfortable!
Don't spend an arm and a leg on clothing. You probably already own most of the listed items above. If you need to buy items, shop around. Most discount clothing apparel and generic sporting stores will stock everything you'll need. Yes, there are many specialty niche stores who will carry high-performance, name brand items, but if you're just starting, keep the clothing thing simple.
Even though temperatures are cool and you have a chair lift to transport you to the top of the mountain, you will need to drink lots of water. Make many stops at the drinking fountain. Some people even wear a hydration pack under their ski or snowboard jackets - whatever works for you, remain hydrated.
Earlier is better. Try to arrive at least 1 hour prior to a ski or snowboard lesson. You will need to be fitted with proper equipment, which may take a few minutes (and there may be a line of people ahead of you). If you're not an early riser, take the 1 pm lesson.
Our beginner program includes a lesson, a beginner lift ticket, and ski or snowboard equipment (complete with boots and poles). Our rental team will outfit you with all your gear. You can purchase packages at the Rental shop, or to guarantee your package, purchase in our eStore. Please arrive at your lesson 15 minutes before its start time.
Need a ticket?
White Pass sets a maximum capacity for day tickets. Please purchase your ticket online, in advance to guarantee your spot on the chairlift! Weekends and holidays typically sell out so please plan ahead.